Tuesday, September 24, 2024

ESV Archaeology Study Bible REVIEW

This is a review of the ESV Archaeology Study Bible from the moderator of the J.C. Ryle Facebook and Twitter pages. I was graciously provided a copy from Crossway to do a review. This Bible received a rating of 4.8 on Amazon over nearly 1,200 reviews!

This is from the Crossway Website

Winner of the ECPA Book of the Year Award for Bibles | Explore the Ancient World Behind the Written Word

The ESV Archaeology Study Bible roots the biblical text in its historical and cultural context, offering readers a framework for better understanding the people, places, and events recorded in Scripture. With editorial oversight from Dr. John Currid (PhD, University of Chicago) and Dr. David Chapman (PhD, University of Cambridge), as well as contributions from a team of field-trained archaeologists, the Archaeology Study Bible assembles a range of modern scholarship—pairing the biblical text with over 2,000 study notes, 400 full-color photographs, 200 maps and diagrams, 200 sidebars, 14 articles, and 4 timelines. These features bring life to the ancient texts, helping readers situate them in their historical context while recognizing the truth that the eternal God became flesh entered human history at a specific time and in a specific place.

Dig Deeper into the Historical Context: Features 15 articles, including “Introduction to the ESV Archaeology Study Bible,“ “Expository Preaching and Archaeology,“ and “Daily Life in Judea-Palestine in New Testament Times”

4-Color Interior: Includes maps, photographs, and drawings
Additional Resources: Dictionary,  concordance, charts, and sidebars
Thoroughly Developed: Features contributions from a team of field-trained archaeologists.

                                               Good review from Mike Winger

Overall, this is an EXCELLENT Bible which I highly recommend. I've had one for over 5 years and use it often. 

You can purchase this Bible here: 


Friday, August 30, 2024

The Greek New Testament Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge, Guided Annotating Edition CROSSWAY

 This is a review of the The Greek New Testament Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge, Guided Annotating Edition CROSSWAY from the moderator of the J.C. Ryle Facebook and Twitter page. I was graciously provided a copy from Crossway to do a review. This Bible received a rating of 5.0 on Amazon

Here are some specific details about this Greek New Testament from Crossway: 

This reader’s edition combines The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge with wide margins and extra line spacing, allowing readers to translate and annotate as they study the Greek text. Each biblical book features an introduction written by a New Testament scholar that digs deeper into its syntax, language, grammar, and style.

This convenient edition also features footnotes that highlight rare vocabulary—providing glosses and parsing information—making it an ideal single-volume tool for seminary students, Bible scholars, and pastors alike. 

Introductions by New Testament Scholars: Contributors include Dirk Jongkind, Elizabeth Shively, Nicholas Perrin, Doug O’Donnell, and Daniel K. Eng

Additional Study Tools: Book introductions note special vocabulary and include comments on the syntax, language, grammar, and style of the book

Serves a Wide Audience: Ideal tool for students of the Greek language, Bible scholars, and pastors

Bibliographies: Each book introduction features a curated list of resources for further study

NOW, the moderator of J.C. Ryle's facebook/twitter page does not know Greek, unfortunately. So, I cannot honestly comment on what is found inside the book. BUT, I will say this. This appears to be a very high quality production from Crossway. This is VERY large and seems great for writing notes in it. 

This youtube channel did a great review on it. 

Additional Product Details:

Format:Printed Caseside
Type Size:10.5
Page Layout:Single Column
Page Count:1,120
Size:7.5 in x 10.0 in
Weight:65.02 ounces
Case Quantity:10
Published:November 16, 2023

You can purchase this Greek New Testament Text here: 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

ESV Chronological BIBLE Review

This is a review of the ESV Chronological BIBLE from the moderator of the J.C. Ryle Facebook and Twitter page. I was graciously provided a copy from Crossway to do a review. This Bible received a rating of 4.6 on Amazon

The idea behind the ESV Chronological Bible is pretty simple. You can read through scripture in historical order. This Bible breaks up the scriptures into 8 different eras:

-Primeval History 

-Patriarchal History

-The Last Judge and the United Monarchy

-The Divided Monarchy

-Exile and Restoration

-The Kingdom Comes

-The Early Church 

At the beginning of each "era" is an introduction. A neat future of this Bible is it also has a "One Year Bible Reading Plan."

As you can see from the example above, chapters from 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles overlap each other, to maintain the proper historical order. This is a very intriguing and frankly refreshing way to read the scriptures. Over at the website Knowable Word, who also did a review on this same Bible which you can read HERE the author did a great job explaining the nuances with this Bible. The author says...

"A single chapter of, say, a gospel could have 5 to 8 scenes in it, each of which is paralleled in different ways in other gospels. It’s difficult to get the truly chronological feel of the larger story when the parallel accounts are not actually parallel. For example, Matthew 8 portrays Jesus:

  • healing a leper
  • healing a paralytic
  • healing Peter’s mother-in-law
  • turning down would-be disciples
  • calming a storm
  • casting demons from men into a herd of pigs

In Mark’s ordering of these events, those events occur in the following chapters:

  • chapter 1
  • chapter 2
  • chapter 1 (even before the leper)
  • not present
  • chapter 4
  • chapter 5

So if you’re only reading full chapters at a time, it is not possible to sync up these events in a useful way."


The quality of this Bible, like all ESV Bibles from Crossway is very good. The Bible I received from Crossway, TruTone Brown, is about 6x9 inches. It weighs about 2.5 pounds and is about 1,800 pages. The text size is very good at 9.15 and has single column paragraphs to make things easier to read. 

The Bible is organized into 365 daily sections. 

There are a total of 15 maps and there is a large fold out timeline documenting the entire history of the Bible. Cool feature. 


There are plenty of chronological reading plans on various Bible apps. But I've never taken to the time to sit down and read though one and I'm glad I didn't. Why? Well, a Bible app cannot give you the TRUE VALUE of what a chronological reading plan truly entails. Flipping through this Bible, I immediately realized the VALUE of it. Something I could not do on an app. Picture this. You are reading the prophets of the Old Testament. These prophetic books are rearranged in such a way so you can BETTER grasp their prophetic messages (and the context) and the reasons behind their rebukes! This same scenario presents itself in the Epistles and Gospels! 

This Bible is simply a fresh new way to read the scriptures. I think this Bible could be a good tool to incorporate into your Family Devotional schedule and would be beneficial to ANY Christian no matter how long they've been serving the Lord. The only "weakness" of this Bible is it can be a little "jumbled" and repetitive at time, especially reading though all the similar accounts in the Gospel. YET, at the same time, you really get to "fill in all the gaps" by reading the different gospel accounts together. 

You can purchase this Bible here: 




Friday, June 28, 2024

ESV Men's Study Bible Review

This is a review of the ESV Men's Study Bible from the moderator of the J.C. Ryle Facebook and Twitter page. I was graciously provided a copy from Crossway to do a review. This Bible received a rating of 4.8 on Amazon

First things first, the Bible is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The copy I received was genuine leather. Every Bible I've ever touched from Crossway, especially the genuine leather ones, have been made with seemingly good quality and binding and this Bible appears to be such. 

As you can see from the photos, one of the cons of this study Bible is the print is a little too small. From my research it's 8 font and 6 font for the commentary notes. Now, for most people this isn't much of an issue. This is to be expected with almost all Bible commentaries. 

Here are the main highlights of the Bible from my vantage point: 

-There are 15 articles from different authors focusing on the following subjects: 

1.God’s Plan of Salvation

2. The Message of the Bible

3. A Man’s Identity

4. Communion with God

5. The Gospel and Daily Life

6. A Man’s Inner Life

7. Life in the Local Church

8. Calling

9. A Man’s Work

10. Singleness

11. Marriage

12. Fathering

13 Leadership

14. Pornography

15. Doubt

-There are HUNDREDS of devotionals on the "List of Reflections" all throughout the Bible that was very beneficial to the reader. 

-There are 15 different maps in the back of the Bible, which is a really neat feature for people who like to study such. 

These are the maps: The Middle East Today, The World of the Patriarchs, The Exodus from Egypt, The Tribal Allotments of Israel, Israel Under Saul, David, and Solomon, The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires, The Persian and Greek Empires, Israel Under the Maccabees, Jerusalem, Palestine Under Roman Rule, The Apostle’s Early Ministry, Paul’s First and Second Missionary Journeys, Paul’s Third Missionary Journey and His Voyage to Rome, The Spread of Christianity in the First Two Centuries

Here's additional info about the Bible you can read from the back cover. 

Overall, I think this is a wonderful Bible for any Christian man and I would even recommend getting this for an unbeliever. The commentary is not as "robust" of the ESV Study Bible, but the notes are adequate. Mixing the commentary notes with the devotional thoughts makes this Bible a very unique hybrid of sorts. 

You can purchase this Bible here: 




Saturday, February 3, 2024

Church History Study Bible Review!

This is a review of the Crossway ESV Church History Study Bible from the moderator of the J.C. Ryle Facebook and Twitter page.  I was graciously provided a copy from Crossway to do a review. I reached out to Crossway about doing a review when I came across this Bible. This is the first Bible in years that I wanted to get my hands on and I will explain why in this review.

First of all, here is a photo of how the Bible arrived, with a covering case. This Bible is trutone, brown/walnut color, which I really like. You can also get this Bible in black leather and hardcover (blue). At the end of this review, I have numerous links where you can purchase a copy. 

This is what the Bible looks like without the covering case. I really like the "feel" of the Bible in my hands. And by all accounts, it seems to be made of high quality materials. 

Why do I like this Bible so much? Here are the main reasons: 

1. There's literally over 20,000 study notes from hundreds of historical figures in church history from the past 2,000 years! Some of these men include: John Knox (1514-1572), Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920), Martin Luther (1483-1546), DL Moody (1937-1899), Francis Schaffer (1912-1984), Augustine (354-430), Athanasius (296-373), Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) and of course J.C. Ryle (1816-1900). 

Here's a sample of the study notes. 

2. The back cover of the Bible case explains why I like this Bible so much. As a Reformed Baptist, I appreciate the focus on Reformed voices from the past that this Bible highlights.  

Some minor issues I have the Bible include: 

1. The font is a little too small for my liking. The type size is 9 point for the scriptures and a little smaller for the commentary. 

2. I'm not sure I would classify this as a "Study Bible" but rather a "Devotional Bible". When I think of systematic study Bibles, I think of the ESV Study Bible, the MacArthur Study Bible, etc...Those study Bibles are more through to give you to history of the text, the context, and flow better etc...This Bible reminds me more of the Matthew Henry Study Bible which came out in the past decade of so. 

OVERALL, I highly recommend  Crossway ESV Church History Study Bible. I've been wanting something like this for YEARS and am thankful that Crossway published it. This would be the perfect gift for those Christians in your life who love the "old dead guys" and their writings. I also believe this Bible and the commentary notes, can greatly edify and encourage you in your daily Christian walk, which is the most important element to me. 

Here are the different locations you can purchase this Bible. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Grasp the Truth of the Cross by J.C. Ryle

UPDATE: A new J.C. Ryle 365 Day Devotional has been released from Reformation Heritage Books. This devotional was taken from hundreds of J.C. Ryle's sermons. You can order the devotional HERE.

Grasp the Truth of the Cross by J.C. Ryle                  

Let us never forget the sacrificial character of Christ’s death. Let us reject with abhorrence the modern notion that it was nothing more than a mighty instance of self-sacrifice and self-denial.

It was this no doubt – but it was something far higher, deeper, and more important than this. It was a propitiation for the sins of the world. It was an atonement for man’s transgression. It was the killing of the true passover Lamb, through whose death destruction is warded off from sinners believing on Him. “Christ our passover Lamb,” says Paul, “is sacrificed for us.” (1 Cor. 5:7) Let us grasp that truth firmly, and never let it go.
~ J.C. Ryle

Thursday, June 1, 2023

6 Marks of the Believers' Growth in Grace by J.C. Ryle

UPDATE: A new J.C. Ryle 365 Day Devotional has been released from Reformation Heritage Books. This devotional was taken from hundreds of J.C. Ryle's sermons. You can order the devotional HERE.

6 Marks of the Believers' Growth in Grace by J.C. Ryle

Let me take it for granted that we do not question the reality of growth in grace, and its vast importance. So far so good. But you now want to know how anyone may find out whether he is growing in grace or not?

I answer that question, in the first place, by observing that we are very poor judges of our own condition — and that bystanders often know us better than we know ourselves. But I answer further that there are undoubtedly certain great marks and signs of growth in grace — and that wherever you see these marks — you see a growing soul. I will now proceed to place some of these marks before you in order.
1. One mark of growth in grace, is increased HUMILITY. The man whose soul is growing, feels his own sinfulness and unworthiness more every year.
He is ready to say with Job, "I am vile!"
And with Abraham, "I am dust and ashes!"
And with Jacob, "I am not worthy of the least of all Your mercies!"
And with David, "I am a worm!"
And with Isaiah, "I am a man of unclean lips!"
And with Peter, "I am a sinful man, O Lord!"
(Job 40:4Genesis 18:2732:10Psalm 22:6Isaiah 6:5Luke 5:8). The nearer he draws to God, and the more he sees of God's holiness and perfections — the more thoroughly is he sensible of his own countless sins and imperfections. The further he journeys in the way to Heaven — the more he understands what Paul meant when he says,
"I am not already perfect!"
"I am not fit to be called an apostle!"
"I am less than the least of all saints!"
"I am the chief of sinners!"
(Philippians 3:121 Corinthians 15:9Ephesians 3:81 Timothy 1:15).
The riper he is for glory, the more, like the ripe corn — he hangs down his head. The brighter and clearer is his gospel light — the more he sees of the shortcomings and infirmities of his own heart. When first converted, he would tell you he saw but little of them — compared to what he sees now. Would anyone know whether he is growing in grace? Be sure that you look within for increased humility.
2. Another mark of growth in grace, is increased FAITH and LOVE towards our Lord Jesus Christ. The man whose soul is growing, finds more in Christ to rest upon every year, and rejoices more that he has such a Savior. No doubt he saw much in Him, when first he believed. His faith laid hold on the atonement of Christ, and gave him hope. But as he grows in grace, he sees a thousand things in Christ of which at first he never dreamed!
His love and power,
His heart and His intentions,
His offices as Substitute, Intercessor, Priest, Advocate, Physician, Shepherd and Friend
 — unfold themselves to a growing soul in an unspeakable manner. In short, he discovers a suitableness in Christ to the needs of his soul, of which the half was once not known to him! Would anyone know if he is growing in grace? Then let him look within for increased knowledge of, and love to Christ.
3. Another mark of growth in grace, is increased HOLINESS of life and conduct. The man whose soul is growing, gets more dominion over sin, the world and the devil every year. He becomes more careful about . . .
his temper,
his words and
his actions. He is more watchful over his conduct in every relation of life. He strives more to be conformed to the image of Christ in all things, and to follow Him as his example — as well as to trust in Him as his Savior. He is not content with old attainments and former grace. He forgets the things that are behind, and reaches forth unto those things which are before, making "Higher!" "Upward!" "Forward!" "Onward!" his continual motto (Philippians 3:13). On earth, he thirsts and longs to have a will more entirely in unison with God's will. In Heaven, the chief thing that he looks for, next to the presence of Christ — is complete separation from all sin. Would anyone know if he is growing in grace? Then let him look within for increased holiness.
4. Another mark of growth in grace, is increased SPIRITUALITY of taste and mind. The man whose soul is growing, takes more interest in spiritual things every year. He does not neglect his duty in the world. He discharges faithfully, diligently and conscientiously — every relation of life, whether at home or abroad. But the things he loves best are spiritual things. The amusements and recreations of the world, have a continually decreasing place in his heart. He does not condemn them as downright sinful, nor say that those who have anything to do with them are going to Hell. He only feels that they have a constantly diminishing hold on his own affections — and gradually seem smaller and more trifling in his eyes. Spiritual companions, spiritual occupations, spiritual conversation — are of ever-increasing value to him. Would anyone know if he is growing in grace? Then let him look within for increasing spirituality of taste.
5. Another mark of growth in grace, is increase in LOVE to others. The man whose soul is growing, is more full of love every year — of love to all men — but especially of love towards the brethren.
His love will show itself actively — in a growing disposition to do kindnesses, to take trouble for others, to be good-natured to everybody, to be generous, sympathizing, thoughtful, tender-hearted and considerate.
His love will show itself passively — in a growing disposition to be meek and patient towards all men, to put up with provocation and not stand upon his rights, to bear and forbear much rather than quarrel. A growing soul will try to put the best construction on other people's conduct, and to believe all things and hope all things, even to the end. There is no surer mark of backsliding and falling off in grace — than an increasing disposition to find fault, pick holes, and see weak points in others. Would anyone know if he is growing in grace? Then let him look within for increasing love to others.
6. One more mark of growth in grace, is increased ZEAL and diligence in trying to do good to souls. The man who is really growing, will take greater interest in the salvation of sinners every year. Missions at home and abroad, efforts of every kind to spread the gospel, attempts of any sort to increase gospel light and diminish gospel darkness — all these things will every year have a greater place in his attention.
He will not become "weary in well-doing," just because he does not see every effort succeed. He will not care less for the progress of Christ's cause on earth, as he grows older, though he will learn to expect less. He will just work on, whatever the result may be — giving, praying, speaking, visiting, according to his position — and count his work its own reward. One of the surest marks of spiritual decline — is a decreased interest about the souls of others, and the growth of Christ's kingdom. Would anyone know whether he is growing in grace? Then let him look within for increased concern about the salvation of souls.
Those high-flying religionists, whose only notion of Christianity is that of a state of perpetual joy and ecstasy, who tell you that they have got far beyond the region of conflict and soul-humiliation — such people no doubt will regard the marks I have laid down as "legal," "carnal" and "tending to bondage." I cannot help that. I call no man master in these things. I only wish my statements to be tried in the balance of Scripture. 
And I firmly believe that what I have said is not only Scriptural — but agreeable to the experience of the most eminent saints in every age. Show me a man in whom the six marks I have mentioned can be found. He is the man who can give a satisfactory answer to the question: "Do we grow?" Such are the most trustworthy marks of growth in grace. Let us examine them carefully and consider what we ourselves know about them.
Excerpt from the free eBook Holiness by J. C. Ryle

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Christ’s View of His Servants by J.C. Ryle

UPDATE: A new J.C. Ryle 365 Day Devotional has been released from Reformation Heritage Books. This devotional was taken from hundreds of J.C. Ryle's sermons. You can order the devotional HERE.

Christ’s View of His Servants by J.C. Ryle

The least and lowest of believers will find that he is counted among Christ’s servants, and that his labor has not been in vain in the Lord.

He will discover to his amazement, that his Master’s eye saw more beauty in his efforts to please Him, than he ever saw himself. He will find that every hour spent in Christ’s service, and every word spoken on Christ’s behalf, has been written in a book of remembrance. Let believers remember these things and take courage. The cross may be heavy now, but the glorious reward shall make amends for all.
~ J.C. Ryle

Monday, May 22, 2023

Grasping Biblical Christianity by J.C. Ryle

UPDATE: A new J.C. Ryle 365 Day Devotional has been released from Reformation Heritage Books. This devotional was taken from hundreds of J.C. Ryle's sermons. You can order the devotional HERE.

Grasping Biblical Christianity by J.C. Ryle

Hundreds of professed converts, under religious revivals, go back to the world after a time, and bring disgrace to religion. They begin with a sadly mistaken notion of what is true Christianity. They fancy it consists in nothing more than a so-called ‘coming to Christ’, and have strong inward feelings of joy and peace.

“And so, when they find, after a time, that there is a cross to be carried, that our hearts are deceitful, and that there is a busy devil always near us, they cool down in disgust, and return to their old sins. And why?  Because they had really never known what Bible Christianity is. They had never learned that we must ‘count the cost’.
~ J.C. Ryle
“The Cost”, 179.

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